Posts Tagged ‘egg’

Cheese ham and egg toasty.

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

This is not a toasty blog but I am currently experimenting with different types of toasty and here is one not entirely obvious but delicious.

It is possible, make sure you heat the toasty maker up first and cook thoroughly

It is possible, make sure you heat the toasty maker up first and cook thoroughly

at least on top - but not necessaryly safe yet - so cook them again in a toasty.

at least on top - but not necessaryly safe yet - so cook them again in a toasty.

the eggs peel off nicely without making a mess and then go into the toasty, try and put them evenly across the dividing line so that both sides of the toasty get the same amount of egg.

the eggs peel off nicely without making a mess and then go into the toasty, try and put them evenly across the dividing line so that both sides of the toasty get the same amount of egg.

cheese ham and egg ready to cook

cheese ham and egg ready to cook

Lunch - when you can make all this with only a toasty maker who needs hobs... :-), it was delicious.

Lunch - when you can make all this with only a toasty maker who needs hobs... :-), it was delicious.