Posts Tagged ‘deadlock’

Proving Java Terminates (or runs forever) – Avoiding deadlock automatically with compile time checking

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

This is one of the two projects I was considering doing for my Part II project and the one which I decided not to do.
This project would involve using annotations in Java to check that the thread safety properties which the programmer believes that the code has actually hold.
For example @DeadlockFree or @ThreadSafe.
Now you might think that this would be both incredibly useful and far too difficult/impossible however implementations of this exist at least in part: The MIT licensed CheckThread project and another implementation forms part of the much larger JSR-305 project to use annotations in java to detect software defects. JSR-305 was going to be part of Java 7 but development appears to be slow (over a year between the second most recent commit and the most recent commit (4 days ago)).

Essentially if you want to use annotations in Java to find your thread safety/deadlock bugs and prevent them from reoccurring the technology is out there (but needs some polishing). In the end I decided that since I could probably hack something working together and get it packaged in Debian in a couple of days/weeks by fixing problems in the existing implementations then it would not be particularly useful to spend several months reimplementing it as a Part II project.

If a library which allows you to use annotations in Java to prevent thread safety/deadlock problems is not in Debian (including new queue) by the end of next summer throw things at me until it is.