Posts Tagged ‘wireless’

Firesheep as applied to Cambridge

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Many of you will have already heard about Firesheep which is essentially a Firefox extension which allows you to login to other people’s Facebook, Amazon etc. accounts if they are on the same (unsecured) network to you. This post is on my initial thoughts on what this means to the people on Cambridge University networks.

Essentially this whole thing is nothing new – in one sense people who know anything about security already knew that this was possible and that programs for doing this existed. The only innovation is an easy to use User Interface and because Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is hard, this means that Eric Butler has won.

In Cambridge we have unsecured wireless networks such as Lapwing and the CLs shared key networks and I think that Firesheep should work fine on these and so for example in lectures where lots of students are checking Facebook et al. (especially in the CL) there is great potential for “pwned with Firesheep” becoming the status of many people. However this would be morally wrong and violate the Terms of Service of the CUDN/JANET etc. If that isn’t sufficient – the UCS has magic scripts that watch network traffic, they know where you live and if you do something really bad they can probably stop you graduating. So while amusing I don’t think that a sudden epidemic of breaking into people’s accounts would be sensible.

So what does that mean for the users of Cambridge networks? Use Eduroam. Eduroam is wonderful and actually provides security in this case (at least as long as you trust the UCS, but we have to do that anyway). If you are using Lapwing and you use a site listed on the handlers page for firesheep (though don’t visit that link on an unsecured network as GitHub is on that list) then you have to accept the risk that someone may steal your cookies and pretend to be you.

What does this mean for people running websites for Cambridge people? Use SSL, if you are using the SRCF then you win as we provide free SSL and it is simply a matter of using a .htaccess file to turn it on. It should also be pointed out that if you are using Raven for authentication (which you should be) then you still need to use SSL for all the pages which you are authenticated on or you lose[0]. If you are not using the SRCF – then why not? The SRCF is wonderful![1] . If you are within * and not using the SRCF then you can also obtain free SSL certificates from the UCS (though I doubt anyone likely to read this is).

So do I fail on this count? Yes I think I have multiple websites on the SRCF which don’t use SSL everywhere they should and I don’t think any uses secure cookies. I also feel slightly responsible for another website which both uses poorly designed cookies and no SSL.

Users – know the risks. Developers – someone is telling us to wake up again, and even though I knew I was sleeping.

[0]: Unfortunately I think that until the SRCF rolls out per user and society subdomains which will be happening RSN if you use raven to login to one site on the SRCF and then visit any non-SSL page on the SRCF then your Raven cookie for the SRCF has just leaked to anyone listening. Oops. Using secure cookies would fix this though I haven’t worked out how to do this yet – I will post a HOWTO later Update: if the original authentication is done to an SSL protected site then the Raven cookie will be set to be secure.
[1]: I may be wearing my SRCF Chairman hat while writing that – though that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.