Things which google should know about as people will find them helpful: If when using java you are having odd problems with dates being offset by 808 or 192 milliseconds in your dates then you should probably rexamine your use of Long.MIN_VALUE. If when using monkeysphere no primary keys are being found for the user id despite the fact that there should exist primary keys for that user then go and check that the user id your have specified is exactly that given in gpg --with-colons --fingerprint , e.g something like "Daniel Robert Thomas (Computer Lab Key) ". It needs to be character for character identical or monkeysphere will not find a matching key. When using Dart if you get a "Cannot get JavaScript context out of scope." error then you need to use `js.scoped` e.g. js.scoped(() { js.context.alert('Hello from Dart via JavaScript.'); });